WWT celebrates Word Whiskey Day with a toast and a dram!

Thanks to our friends over at Angel’s Envy (click here to go to their facebook and like them), I read that today, March 27th, 2012, is the first ever World Whiskey Day.  Since it bears a resemblance to this very blog title, and since it IS whiskey oriented, I thought I should write up a little piece about our favorite caramel colored liquid and its day in the sun (or in the dark cabinet since the sun will prematurely age the fine liquid).

When I started poking around the net to get some info about the genesis of a day dedicated to our favorite libation, I came across a story on http://www.scotsman.com , that lay the story pretty bare.  A college student by the name of Blair Bowman went looking for World Whiskey Day after learning of World Gin Day which was a huge hit in Spain.  Upon finding out that there wasn’t one, he quickly bought up the virtual real estate associated with the day, and set about starting a whiskey empire with his own personal holiday as his flagship.  Click here to read the article from Scotsman.com (which is a fine piece of writing if I do say so myself).   I will do my very best to post a review or two this evening.  St. Patrick’s Day saw me sick and unable to imbibe, so I have a few bottles left without review.

Overall, I found myself as surprised as Mr. Bowman when learning that there wasn’t a whiskey holiday, even if St. Patrick’s day (rather insensitively some would say – I not being among them) is an unofficial one, but if this does even half as well as Bowman hopes it to do, then we should have a really exciting addition to our drinking schedules.  Either way, I look forward to seeing how this whole thing pans out.

But until then… Happy World Whiskey Day from Whiskey World Tour!




p.s.  Special thanks to our friends over at http://boozedancing.wordpress.com for the repost and the kind words.   Great members of the community and knowledgeable folks all around.  I learn something every time I read an article.  (check em out)




11 responses to “WWT celebrates Word Whiskey Day with a toast and a dram!

  • G-LO

    Happy #WorldWhiskyDay Chuck!

    • Chuck

      Thanks G-lo and the same to you and TBD crew! Any plans for the new holiday?

      • G-LO

        I kind of started early last night with a Laddie 10 and a Laphroiag 18. Today is Limpd’s birthday, so there may be some dramming later this evening. We’ll see. Work and family are conspiring against us! Worst case, I’ll have to sneak in a whisky or two before the night is over.

        FYI… I reposted this post. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂


      • Chuck

        I absolutely don’t mind. In fact I’m honored. Also, I would like to lodge a formal complaint that Limpd gets a birthday that coincides with World Whiskey Day and I do not. Please carry my complaint to whomever would be most efficient, and I would like to thank you for your assistance with this matter.


      • G-LO

        Ah good. This would be a “killing two birds with one stone solution”…

        We get something on the blog regarding World Whisky Day, and you get some much deserved traffic. 🙂

        Totally with you on the Limpd birthday! No fair at all. But on the flip side, isn’t every day World Whisky Day in our world?

      • Chuck

        Fortunately (and I’m sure its unfortunately for some of our better halves) you are correct sir!

      • G-LO

        It’s only a problem if I’m hung over the next morning. Thanks to my years of experience, this is now a rare occurrence. That being said… drink up!

  • limpd

    Your formal compaint has been filed, reviewed and dismissed. Quit your crying! It seems perfectly natural that World Whisky Day is my birthday. I only wish I had thought of it first. Then I could have rolled out shirts with LimpD presents World Whisky Day but alas Mr. Bowman beat me to the punch.

    What will be your beverage of choice?

    • Chuck

      Tonight I think Ill crack the wax on a new bottle of Noah’s Mill bourbon I’ve been drooling to try. Or maybe I’ll break out the Midleton’s Very Rare and treat myself. Not really sure yet.

      What about yourself birthday boy?

      Happy Birthday/World Whiskey Day from WWT!


      • limpd

        Hey, it’s a holiday why not both.

        For my B-Day/WWD, I’m leaning toward a world tour of short pours (since it is only Tuesday). Balvenie Portwood, Midelton, Makers Mark 46, Three Ships (a 10 yo South African) and then the Yamazaki 18.

      • Chuck

        well my young collection is a bit less varied, but Maybe I’ll do the same. Go with a dram of High West Double Rye, Noah’s Mill, Georgia Moon, Midleton, Double Black, and I think that will do it. Less of a journey, but equally as fun.

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